Is Email Backup Service Worth It?
Web-based email services (Yahoo, Gmail, Windows Live) seem to be the communication tools that make the world go round, but one of the main problems with these services is that…

How New Technology Can Help Businesses Be Lean and Green
Businesses are always looking at way to cut costs, but you might assume that taking a green approach will not be compatible with growth and cost effectiveness in these austere…

Quitting Your Job to Work from Home: Is it Worth the Risk?
Whether you have decided to quit your job and work from home or are facing redundancy and think that working from home will provide you with greater job security, there…

Four Advantages to Hiring Outside Business Consultants
A lot of small business owners believe that they have no use for business consulting since they believe that their organization is solid enough that it won’t require a third party organization…

Ten Tips For Internship Interviews
Have an interview scheduled for an internship you applied for? Don’t know how to carry yourself and what to do during the interview? Here are some tips that you definitely…

Small Business: Are You Thinking About Your Advertising Plan?
Media planning and strategy is a critical aspect of advertising. This aspect in marketing communications is concerned with the dissemination of information. This article takes a look at some important elements…

Are Trade Shows Right for Your Local Business?
When considering a trade show to showcase your local business and specialty talents, it is important to consider a few things to decide if it’s going to of value and…

Business Coaching Tools and Strategies
When talking about life and business coaching, we need to have a proper understanding of the business coaching strategies. These strategies can be termed as a set of rules that…

Choosing The Right Accountant For Your Needs
If you run a small business or simply have a number of jobs, properties, and finances to keep up with, sooner or later, you are likely to find that the…

Websites That Could be Making More Money
Almost any website could be making more money than it is currently. After all there is not ‘upper limit’ on how much a site can conceivably generate. However while that’s…

16 Great Android Apps for Internet Marketers
With the constant improvements in smartphone technology, it is now easier than ever to work any type of job outside of your office. The Android operating system is becoming more…

What is Klout and How Can it Help My Business?
You may have heard of Klout or not. Either way, it’s an important tool to use for your business and one that I’ve just recently discovered. What is it? Klout…

Is Your Company Wasting Time and Money? Marketing Automation is Your Solution
It’s no secret that inefficiency is a huge concern for virtually every company. A recent survey by Salary.com estimates that approximately 2.09 hours per each 8 hour day is wasted…

Maximizing Your Next Facebook Ad Campaign
Every online business owner today knows that social media are critical tools for marketing. While you can place ads on websites, make videos, or send out emails, online campaigns are…
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