Whether you’re marketing your personal blog or quality products from a high profile company, you probably spend a good amount of time leveraging social media accounts to get the word out to the masses.
Therein lies a problem: social media platforms are intended to facilitate social activity, not necessarily business activity. While some sites, such as Facebook, offer specific business offerings in the form of company pages and streams, there are an array of rules outlined in that bulky terms of service page that you are not likely familiar with.
Wanted vs. Unwanted Messages
There will be times when you have followers or friends who specifically request additional information about what you have to offer, either by asking for it directly or subscribing to a page or feed that offers it, and these are the only people who should be receiving direct marketing messages from you.
How Much is Too Much?
In all types of marketing, less generally equals more. If you’re wanting to engage customers and encourage them to make the extra effort required to visit, subscribe or purchase, focus on winning them over in one shot as opposed to unleashing the same advertising material over and over again. Repetitive ads can’t help but look and feel like spam, and both your contacts and the powers that be will notice.
Walking the Line
More than one power social marketer has awoken to find their massive accounts blocked or deleted due to repeated spam infractions and, frankly, you could be next. Be vigilant in following the rules of a given platform, keeping up to date on ever-changing terms of service and using common sense at every turn or risk losing an entire audience.
The social media spam infographic is courtesy of SEOsmarty and placed through My Blog Guest Infographics Gallery!