How to Create Effective Flyers for your Business

When it comes to designing flyers which are going to positively affect your business by increasing sales or increasing brand awareness, there are a few things you can do to increase their effectiveness.


A picture tells a thousand words and this is perhaps one of the two most important parts of your flyer. People say don’t judge a book by its cover, but with flyer campaigns this rule gets thrown out of the window as this the first thing they will make a judgment based on.

Your images must use the correct connotation to depict what the campaign is about; consider different images and get some feedback from some impartial friends about what they think they portray (in context of the whole flyer) before going to print.


Although the image will play a big part in your campaign this only gets the users attention.

The wording you use on your flyer will help support this so spend your time on choosing the right words to highlight what your selling points are, and keep your text to the point and exciting.

Keep your wording relevant and to the point, people do not want to read an essay and will only give your flyer limited attention before they move onto their next ‘important’ task.


You may have chosen the best images and words for your campaign but just as important as these is the flyers overall design. Many factors such as design layout, use of color and fonts will all effect how your campaign is received.

If you don’t have the necessary expertise in-house then consider employing a professional design agency to produce the flyer for you. They will be much better at turning your ideas into a reality and creating a professional looking flyer.

Make it stand out

People receive hand-outs and flyers every day, most of which get binned. You want your flyer to stand out from the rest so make sure your flyer is unique and interesting.


If you do nothing else keep it simple, there is nothing more true with flyer design than understanding that less really is more.

If you can apply of the above points then your campaign is going to be a lot more successful than something you haven’t spent time properly thinking through. Allow yourself time as the process of designing a flyer can take time and be sure to proof the finished flyer carefully before you sent it to print.

Redcore Marketing specialise in leaflet delivery, design, and printing. For more information, please visit their website: Redcore Marketing.

Filed in: Advertising, Offline Marketing
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